Admissions Procedures

Jackson Preparatory & Early College encourages families with students entering the 6th through 12th grades to submit an online application to start the enrollment process.
Open Enrollment: 2024-2025
Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year starts on March 13, 2024. Any application received during this time will be for the next school year, not the current academic year. Open enrollment ends on April 30, 2024 at 5:00pm.
Admissions and Lottery Process
If the number of applications received for any grade level exceeds the number of offered seats, applicants will be selected using a random selection process to determine which applicants will be admitted and which will be placed on the official waiting list for an opening that may occur during the school year. Pursuant to applicable law, the charter contract, and the Academy board’s policies, the random selection will be conducted in a manner that is open to parents, community members, and members of the public who would like to observe the process. The Academy will notify all applicants of the results of the random selection. The date of the lottery drawing will be May 9, 2024 at 6:00pm in JW158.