Jackson Preparatory & Early College Board of Governors is a diverse seven member team made up of representatives from the Jackson area.  All appointed members go through an extensive appointment process and must be approved by the Authorizer, Jackson College.

The Board of Governors is the governing body of JPEC and they hold monthly meetings to conduct school business and resolve important matters.  The public is welcome to attend the meetings.

BOARD MEETING POSTING                                                                       EMAIL THE BOARD    


Meet the Board    

Board of Governors Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Minutes of Board meetings are available to the public for inspection eight business days after a meeting at the business office. Approved minutes are available five business days after the meeting at which they were approved. Copies of the approved minutes shall also be available at the reasonable estimated cost for printing or copying.

 minutes                                                                  AGENDAS

Public Participation

The public may address the Board at their regular meetings during the two times indicated on the agenda using the following procedures:

Remarks by individuals are limited to three minutes. Individuals should state name and organization represented if applicable. During this time, the Board listens to comments from the public but does not engage in dialogue or render decisions.  Attendees must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting upon their arrival at the meeting.

If a large group plans to attend, notification should be made to the President at least one (1) day prior to the meeting to ensure seating for the group. They are requested to select up to five representatives to speak on their behalf for a total of not more than fifteen minutes.

Individuals addressing the Board shall abide by the rules of common courtesy. The meeting cannot be used to make personal attacks against a Board member or district employee which are totally unrelated to the manner in which the Board member or employee performs his duties.

Authorizing Partnership

Jackson College (JC) is the authorizer of JPEC.  Authorization was approved by the JC Board of Trustees on January 22, 2013.  JC will oversee the academic, financial and compliance operations at JPEC, while the JPEC Board of Directors will ensure that the school is, at a minimum, meeting goals in each of these critical areas.  Both entities are committed to the educational goal and long-term vision of preparing students for success in college, work and life.  The National Charter Schools Institute will continue to support both organizations by providing necessary tools, information, and education.

With JPEC ideally located on the Jackson College campus and with seamless academic programming between JPEC and JC courses/academic pathways, the vision and structure all but ensures a strong and supportive relationship between JPEC and its authorizer (JC). To further support and maintain this relationship, processes and procedures will be developed to address everything from early college academic advising for college-ready JPEC students, to JPEC security protocols aligned and in concert with those of JC.

Jackson College

For more Board of Governors Meeting Information

State of Michigan Open Meetings Act

Upcoming Board Meetings