Meet our Board of Governors!

Suzanne R. Jones


Suzanne R. JonesMs. Jones is the Founder of Girls on the M.O.V.E. and a human resource professional with a diverse human resource scope of management experience that combines the world of business, with the field of education. She has also instructed college-level courses in human resources and other related business coursework.

Ms. Jones has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Michigan University and a master’s degree from Central Michigan University in Educational Administration. She currently holds her SHRM-SCP (Society for Human Resource Management-Senior Certified Professional) certification.

Ms. Jones created Girls on the M.O.V.E. TM©, a young women’s and girls' leadership program to help participants realize their full potential by teaching them important lifetime leadership concepts, including creating their own personal mission statement. The program is currently being offered at Columbia Schools (2016 - current), and has been previously offered to other area schools through Jackson Junior Welfare League, and has been hosted by the CMS (Community Minded Service) Club at Consumers Energy in past years.  Active in community work she was a past board member (2014-2017) and Warm the Children Chair (and Co-Chair) for Jackson Junior Welfare League (JJWL), currently serves as a Region 9 grant reviewer (6 area counties) for the Michigan Council of the Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) and is a regular volunteer for Sitting Tall Therapeutic Riding Camp. She was selected among national competition as a participant in the National Institute for Leadership Development—a leadership program for women in higher education.

John Macchia, Jr.


John Mr. Macchia is a long-time resident of Jackson.  He began his career with his family's business, Advance Turning & Manufacturing in 1985 and spent the next decade learning every aspect of the business, from machining and quality control on the shop floor to administration and accounting in the front office.  He became the company's president in 1997.  He has been a member of the Jackson Area Manufacturers Association (JAMA), Jackson Career Center Advisory Board, and is currently ATM's CEO.  

Eric Beda


BedaMr. Beda has a distinguished career in entrepreneurship, non-profit, and education leadership roles. Currently, he is the Founder and CEO at Beda Family Agency, a Farm Bureau Insurance agency with multiple locations in South Central Michigan. He is also a licensed minister and serves as Assistant Pastor at a local church in Jackson, Michigan, where he leads over seven ministries, including international work.
Previously, Eric served as Director of Diversity at Spring Arbor University, where he led diversity strategic initiatives and a team that organized 30 cultural heritage events annually, featuring keynote speakers such as U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young and the late U.N. Ambassador David Rawson. Mr. Beda began his career in wholesale fuel operations with Consumers Energy, where he ultimately led efforts in supplier relationships and supplier contract negotiations.

He holds an MBA from Spring Arbor University, a BS from Michigan State University, and is an insurance professional. 

In addition to his work and ministry, Eric serves on several boards of directors, including the Jackson County Planning Commissioners, Junior Achievement of Michigan, Christ Centered Homes, Advocate and Leadership for Police and Community Trust and the Student Statesman Institute. He also chaired the first Jackson County Commissioners Diversity Committee.

Eric is fluent in French and conversational in Japanese. He is married to his lovely wife, attorney Kristina, and they have five daughters.

Billie Rajzer


Billie RajzerMrs. Rajzer is a long-time resident of Jackson County, growing up in Brooklyn. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Sociology with Spring Arbor University and ultimately received a Master of Public Policy and a Master of Business Administration from Liberty University. She was also an Air Force Veteran and has two elementary-age children. She currently works with the US House of Representatives as a Deputy District Director in the 5th District of Michigan.